Nos limites de Almoçageme, ergue-se o cruzeiro da antiga ermida de Santo André, de provável origem moçarábica. A ermida, de que tomava conta o ouvidor das terras da rainha, ficou bastante arruinada aquando do terramoto de 1755 e foi abandonada, porquanto a população ergueu, no alto da colina, a igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça. Com o decorrer do tempo, os vestígios da ermida desapareceram, subsistindo apenas o cruzeiro, cuja base e plinto são maneiristas, ostenta cruz despojada mais tardia e que tem sido alvo de intervenções de restauro.
The wayside cross of the ancient chapel of Santo André, probably Mozarabic in origin, lies at the outer limits of Almoçageme. As the chapel, which was entrusted to the care of the judge appointed to administer the Queen’s lands, was badly damaged and lay in ruins at the time of the earthquake of 1755 and abandoned, the populace built the church of Nossa Senhora da Graça (Our Lady of Grace) on the hilltop. The last traces of this chapel disappeared over the course of time and only its wayside cross was left standing. Its base and plinth are mannerist. It boasts a bare cross upon which restoration works were carried out at a later stage.